Hanging Wall Fountains

OLD PATIOS – Tiled courtyards in old Spain invariably had a fountain to provide drinking water, along with the sound and freshness of running water too. The Spanish arriving in South America, continued the tradition there too. Hence the unpretentious Columbian, wall-hanging fountain harkens back...

THE SPOUTING LION – This lavish, wall-hanging fountain is typical of the hand-washing basins once found in the courtyards and villas of old Italy and France. Householders coming in from the heat of the day paused at the fountain to refresh themselves. A generous bowl,...

DOLPHINS ENTWINED – This lavish, wall-hanging fountain is typical of the hand-washing basins once found in the courtyards and villas of old Italy. Householders coming in from the heat of the day paused at the fountain to refresh themselves with water from the bowl. Hence...