Wall Fountains

FROM THE SPANISH MAIN – The Portobello wall fountain takes its name from the Spanish waterfront in the old city of Panama. It was from this beautiful port that merchants and pirates of the Caribbean came and went. These marauders of the Spanish Main left...

ADORNMENT – Zeanne in Arabic means 'decoration' or 'adornment', in essence making something more beautiful than it already is. And the Zeanne wall fountain certainly does that when added to any modern garden or home. The streamline styling of both the backplate and quarter-moon basin...

THE SPRINGWATER FOUNTAIN – Fountains were once the main source of water in Italian towns, and most were crafted on simple, classical lines. Such is the Venetian Fountain. It has a tall, arched backplate with a fine-ribbed panel or 'race' down which water cascades into...

THE DRINKING TROUGH – In the past, drinking troughs for horses were usually spartan in design, and that austerity lends the Spartan Trough Fountain its special appeal today. This large fountain is decorated with the outline of external framework on the trough. The same deep...

THE SPRINGWATER FOUNTAIN – Fountains were once the main source of water in Italian towns, even in the city of Roma, and most were crafted on simple, classical lines. Such is the Romano Fountain. It has a tall, arched backplate from which a metal-like Varia...

THE OX-EYE FOUNTAIN – Small oval windows, called oeil de boeuf or ‘ox eye’ windows, were often installed in grand French buildings during the Baroque period. This attractive olive shape soon began appearing in the back plates of fountains too. The Olivia Fountain uses this...

THE VILLAGE FOUNTAIN – Simple water troughs were once a feature of French villages, intended for everyday water collection. They, like the Mediterranean Fountain, had high backplates and solid troughs, with a wide lip for resting buckets on. This large, Mediterranean Fountain is designed to...

THE INSPIRED FOUNTAIN – The basin of the Granada Fountain takes its shape from the famous courtyard fountain in the Alhambra Palace in Spain. The bow-front of the pond ends in two sharp wings, and this same elegant shape is repeated in the backplate. The...

THE DRINKING TROUGH – Every English village and town once boasted a drinking trough for its horses, and the practical nature of those water troughs meant they were rarely decorated. That same, workaday character is retained in the Equus Trough Fountain, making it a natural...

ART DECO – Born in the 1920s, Art Deco styling has never gone out of fashion. Its smooth lines and geometric motifs are still called on today whenever super-sophistication in décor is required. The Astor Fountain embodies everything the Art Deco movement was famous for,...

MODERN ZEN – Despite its Anglo-French name, this Vermont wall fountain offers the sublime simplicity of a Zen water feature. The traditional spouts and hewn stone trough, typical of those found in Japanese gardens, are reproduced here with modern materials yet the fountain retains a...